Here are all the tags known to man (well,
almost). They are listed according to use. If
you're looking for text formatters, choose those.
Frames, forms, and tables have their own
settings. Have fun! [ The Basics | Text Control | Lists | Page Breaks | Applets and More ]
[ Frames, Tables and Forms | Images and Links ]
[ Special Tags ]
- The
basics cover the tags you need in order
for the page "to exist". This
doesn't include what goes in the page.
Only what you need in order for the
browser to recognize that it truly is a
web page.
- <html>
- The
basic tag for every page. This tells the
browser that the file being loaded is a
HTML document. Please look at this basic
layout of any web page to see how it's
- <head>
- Head
- defines the head of your page. Includes
the <title> </title>
- <body>
- Allows
you to define the body arguments. This
can include:
- background="file.gif"
- bgcolor="#rgbcode"
- text="#rgbcode"
- link="#rgbcode"
- vlink="#rgbcode"
- topmargin=n -
defines the top of the margin for
the body.
- leftmargin=n
- rightmargin=n
- <title>
- Title -
allows you to display a title at the top
of the browser.
- <meta>
- Meta Tags -
allows the owner to display certain
information to the browser without the
page seeing it. Here are some examples:
content="This is my page
description.">- describe your
<meta name="keywords"
content="word1, word2, word3,
word4"> - enter keywords for
your page
url=index2.html"> - reloads
the page after 10 seconds to index2.html
content="This is my page
description."> - another text
- <h1>
- Header
- this allows you to change the size of
the letter or words it's surrounding.
Covers H1 - H6, H1 being the biggest and
H6 being the smallest.
- <center>
- Center
- allows you to display the text in the
center of the page.
- <ins>
- Inserted
Text - allows you to insert text.
- <person>
- Person's
Name - allows you to distinguish
someone's name, like Shpank.
- <q>
- Quotation
- set certain test as a quote.
Like this .
- <big>
- Big
- makes the test bigger
than the rest.
- <small>
- Small - makes
the text smaller than the rest.
- <sub>
- Subscript -
allows you to make the text look like this.
- <sup>
- Superscript -
gives superscript effect to
your text.
- <abbrev>
- Abbreviation -
abbreviate certain text.
- <acronym>
- Acronym -
well, I don't know, let's try it out.
- <au>
- Author's Name
- insert the author's name into the page,
like Shpank.
- <del>
- Deleted Text
- <font>
- Font - allows
you to control different aspects of the
text. Includes:
size=n (+1 - +5) (-1 - -5)
color=#rgbcode - defines the color
face="name" - defines
the font face. Could be Helvetica, Arial,
- <b>
- Bold - makes a
word or group of words bold.
- <strong>
- Strong -
basically the same as bold,
just longer code.
- <i>
- Italics -
italicizes a word or group of words.
- <em>
- Emphasis -
basically the same as italics.
- <u>
- Underline -
underlines a word or group of words.
But does not work with all browsers.
- <tt>
- Typewriter
Type - makes a fixed width font.
- <address>
- Address -
. There are
alot of them.
- <blockquote>
- Block Quote -
indents the left and right-hand sides of
the text.
- <cite>
- Cite - another
italics tag.
- <code>
- Code - another
fixed width font tag.
- <dfn>
- Definition -
allows to embolden or italicize a word or
group of words.
- <kbd>
- Keyboard -
another fixed width font.
- <samp>
- Sample - can
you believe it? Another fixed width
- <var>
- Italics - yet
another way to italicize a word or group
of words.
- <pre>
- Preformatted -
allows the text to appear in the browser
as it does on the page. Look below for an
- <listing>
- Listing - a
small fixed-width font tag - kind of like
<pre> </pre> that spaces
everything out.
- <dl>
- Descriptive
List - another way to list things. This
is what I use on a majority of my pages.
- <dt>
- Defines the
topic of the descriptive list.
- <dd>
- The
Descriptive Description. This the
indented part that is displayed.
- <ol>
- Ordered List -
a way to group items into a list.
- <li></li>
- Line item tag
defines the list items with a number or a
dot. Includes the following:
- start=n
- type="A/a/I/i"
for upper or lower case and Roman
- <ul>
- Unordered List
- another way to list items. Also uses
the <li></li> tags to
define the list items with a bullet
instead of a number number. Includes the
following options:
- <hr>
- Horizontal
Rule - allows you to divide a page with a
line. Includes the following options:
- width=pixels/percentage
- align=left/right/center
- size=n
noshade - takes away the shading
- <br>
- Break - allows
the text to break without a full
paragraph. The options are:
- clear=left/right/all
- <nobr>
- No Breaks -
allows the test to continue without
- <table>
- Tables - these
tags allow you to insert tables into your
page like all of mine. It has the
following options:
- width=n
- height=n
- border=n
- cellpadding=n
- cellspacing=n
It also includes the
following tags with their
associated options:
- <tr></tr>
- <td></td>
- <th>
- align=left/middle/right
- valign=top/middle/bottom
- color=#rgbcode
- colspan=n
- rowspan=n
For more
info, please see my tables tutorial.
- <frameset>
- Frameset - allows you to
setup frames on your page. Includes the
- rows="pixels/percentage"
- cols="pixels/percentage"
- frameborder=n
- framewidth=n
- marginheight=n
- marginwidth=n
includes the frame tag to
establish content. These include:
- marginheight=n
- marginwidth=n
- name="name"
- noresize
- src="file.html/file.gif/file.jpg"
- scrolling="yes/no/auto"
forget the <noframes>
tag for those browsers who can't
handle frames or they won't get
- <frame>
- Frame - includes the frame
tag to establish content. These include:
- marginheight=n
- marginwidth=n
- name="name"
- noresize
- src="file.html/file.gif/file.jpg"
- scrolling="yes/no/auto"
For more
information about frames, please
visit my frames tutorial.
- <form>
- Form - this allows you to
insert forms onto your page. It includes
the following options:
- method=POST/GET
- action="file/script
you can use the following to add
checkbox's, text box's, and more.
They include:
- <input
- <select
name="name" size="n">
- <option
- <textarea
name="name" rows="n"
For more information,
please check out my forms tutorial.
- <multicol>
- Multicolumns - allows
almost the same effect as tables. It has
the foowling options:
- cols="n"
- gutter="n"
- width="pixels/percentage"
- <a
href="file"> </a>
- Hypertext
Anchor - this allows you to make certain
text or picture a link to another page or
graphic not on the page. It can include
the following options:
- target="frame
- <img>
- Image - this
allows you to insert a .jpg or .gif image
into your web page. It has the following
- src="file.gif"/src="file.jpg"
- height=n
- width=n
- lowsrc="file.gif"/lowsrc="file.jpg"
- alt="text"
- usemap="#mapname"
- ismap
- align="left/right/middle/bottom/top/absmiddle/textop/absbottom"
- border=n
- <map>
- Image Map -
used to define the areas and coordinates
of an image map. If you would like more
information on image maps, check out my tutorial. It will hopefully answer any
of your questions.
- <applet>
- Java Applet -
allows you to insert a Java applet
directly into your page. It includes:
- code="java.class"
- codebase="/dir/to/applet"
- height="n"
- width="n"
- <script>
- Javascript -
allows a JavaScript applet to load within
the page. This tag usually appears after
the </title> and before the
</head> tag. It usually looks like
Script goes here.
- <!--
text -->
- Allows text to
appear invisible on the page. This is
used if you would like to save comments
on the page, but not have them load on
the page. Like:
<!-- This section is for beginners
- <!--#
- This tag is
used with SSI scripts. Instead of loading the text,
it performs an action. For more
information on Server Side Includes,
click here.
- <marquee>
- Marquee - an IE only tag,
so only IE users will see it. It allows
scrolling text in the browser. Includes:
- behavior=slide/alternative
- width=pixels/percentage
- hspace=n
- vspave=n
- loop=n/-1/infinite
- bgcolor=#rgbcode
- scrollamount=n
- scrolldelay=n
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