Introduction to HTML Accolades
Since its debut, Introduction to HTML has garned
a good deal of praise from publications, organizations, and users
alike. Frankly, I've been a little surprised.
This page includes a small selection of comments and reviews
of this tutorial. I've created the page for two reasons: the
first is so that prospective readers can get an idea of what
others have said about this tutorial, and the second is a desire
to brag a little. Hey, I'm human.
Last updated: 24 April 1997
Reviewers have said...
- MacWorld
The Best Mac Web Sites, August 1996 issue
- "For .... specific information on Web
publishing, you can't go wrong at ....
.... Case Western's Introduction to HTML
covers everything from tags and text structures
to anchors and images."
- -- Excerpted from the on-line
Point Communications Corp.
"Top 5% of the Web" Award and inclusion in The
World Wide Web Top 1000
- "No fancy stuff; just the basics that every
college student or Net beginner will need to
prepare a first Web page. It's well-organized,
and the outline format is handy for quick
reference ..... Sure, you can buy a book or an
HTML authoring program, but why pay the money
when this is free for the reading?"
- -- Excerpted from the on-line
The Mining Company
- "The most basic, and friendliest, guide
- -- From the Personal Web Pages
Internet Resources page
America Online's Webdiner
"Blue Plate Special" for Thursday, 29 August
- "This excellent HTML tutorial exploits the
advantages of the hyper-text medium to create a
really effective learning environment."
- -- Excerpted from the August Blue
Plate Specials
- i-net
Funky Rating:
[out of five, presumably. -E.]
- "The tutorial opens with the motto:
"Trust us: it's cool". For once the
boast seems almost appropriate. This tutorial
covers the basics .... The lessons are thorough
with lots of practical examples .... Verdict:
This tutorial makes the grade."
- -- Excerpted from i-net's Site
- iGuide
Overall Rating:
- "Take this online tutorial for a manageable
introduction to HTML that even an impatient
technophobe can understand."
- -- Excerpted from the on-line
- The Art of HTML
Overall Rating: Five out of five
- "This superb interactive tutorial.... is a
great place to start your HTML 101 education....
The language is friendly, and the pages are well
laid out. The interactive quizzes are a neat
touch. Highly recommended."
- -- Excerpted from the on-line
- "Interface"
Newspaper column by Timothy D. Smith
- "Jammed with info and presented in a manner
that you wouldn't normally associate with CWRU--
the site is non-collegiate user-friendly--
Meyer's 'Introduction to HTML' serves almost
every need you might have."
- -- Cleveland Free Times,
14 August 1996 (p.16)
- Miscellaneous Awards and References
Bizbilder's Red Brick Pick of the Week, 7 March
The Online Classroom, 2nd Edition by
Eileen Cotton (EDINFO Press, 1997)
PC World: "Web Publishing Made Easier" (November 1996 issue)
WebWorld (November 1996 issue)
IEC Corp. "NetGiver" Award, 30 September
PCWeek: "PCWeek Navigator" (July 29, 1996 issue)
ComputerWorld: "How to create a Web
site" (June 24, 1996 issue)
Readers have said...
- "Overall, wonderful job! This is the best HTML
tutorial I've seen anywhere on the net."
- -- Gerald Oskoboiny, HTML Writers Guild
- " have provided one of the clearest and
easiest tutorials I have ever seen. It took me no time at
all to follow it. I certainly will give credit to you
anytime I speak to students of HTML."
- -- Dennis Bialaszewski, PhD., Indiana
State University
- "I really appreciated your tutorial. I've been in
the IT field since 1962 and this is without a doubt the
best technology explanation I have ever seen."
- -- Gary Rosensteel
- "Just finished your HTML tutorial and wanted to say
thanks for such an informative and useful URL....
Congrats on the Top 5% award, you earned it!"
- -- Phil Blais, Senior Engineer, ITT
- "I am about as computer illiterate as a person can
possibly be, and I found this guide absolutely
incredible. I have looked all over the place trying to
find something I could understand and would actually
help.... In less than 2 hours I had read through
everything, and actually understood it!"
- -- Kendall Stewart-Meno
- "I am a technophobe and I could still understand
- -- Cameron Ely
- "Absolutely terrific tutorial. I haven't seen
anything else that explains things so clearly and
simply.... I really feel like I learned a lot in a brief
- -- Gary Kiefer
- "It is great! It is just long enough and detailed
enough so that you get a good sense of HTMLing before
your brain overloads. Well done."
- -- Jan Murphy
- "I've read books, surfed the Web and listened to
experts. But I didn't really get it until I stumbled on
your site. Taking the quizzes and doing the exercises
really made a difference. Thanks!"
- -- Jim Burns
- "I enjoyed your [tutorial] so much. It was
informative, inspiring, and humorous."
- -- Craig Barr
- "Your tutorial is excellent .... Very clear.
Concise. Precise. Strunk & White would be
- -- Cendra Lynn
- "[The] friendly, light-hearted approach took away
the fear of approaching something new."
- -- Kate Klema
- "Best thing on the Internet. Truly the Website of
the Gods."
- -- Chris Rohde
- "This web-site is exactly what I was looking for: a
layman's guide to getting started in HTML. Surprisingly
easy to understand. Excellent work."
- -- Ken Ryzner
- "Great Site! I was very impressed with this site
over all the other similar sites because everything was
in plain english. As someone just getting started on
HTML, this was a fantastic starting point."
- -- Bill Raymond
- "I must say, I am very impressed. I'm a Ph.D.
student in English, so pay a lot of attention to clarity
of language-- thank you for doing a good job explaining
what can be complicated material."
- -- Beth Tollers
- "I have been researching HTML tutorials for some
months in preparation for my own courses on the subject,
and this is the first one that has used language I could
relate to."
- -- Tanya Yatzeck
- "They do say that electronic media can never
completely eliminate the need for hard copy material but
please accept my sincere congratulations: You actually
came quite close to it."
- -- Sumeet Bansal
- "It's WEB-O-RIFFIC!!!!"
- -- Dave
Table of Contents