HTML Questions & AnswersHow do I get that annoying border taken
off my images?
- All you need to do, is add BORDER=0 inside of your IMG tag, and it will go away.
How do I put an animation
into my page?
- The same as normal image. An animated gif is only
one file.
How do I change the color of
my links or visited links?
- These colors are defined in the BODY tag. LINK= defines the
color of the link, and VLINK= defines the color of the visited link. For more info on
this, check out my HTML tag definitions.
How can I speed up the
loading of my page?
- There are several ways: Insert the height &
width tags into all of your images, don't flood your page with tons of java or animations,
reduce the number of colors in your gif files, reduce the compression ratio in your jpeg
In frames, how do I clear
all the frames & load a fresh screen?
- Insert TARGET="_top" inside of your A HREF tag. This will break the frame.
In frames, how can I make
one link load two frames?
- You can't unless you have a neat JAVA or CGI
script to do it for you.
In frames, when I click on a
link, it loads a new browser. How can I fix this?
- When you get this problem it's because your TARGET="___" is not the same as your NAME="___" in your FRAMESET tag. If it's the same, then it would load up in
that frame, but if it's not the same, then it can't find that frame and it forced to load
a new browser.
Why do my pictures that I
make look worse when I load the into my browser?
- Most browsers have a defined palette of colors
& will try and match to the closest color, but sometimes they are very off. Lets say
you have a picture with 30 shades of green in it, but Netscapes palette will only allow 6
shades of green. Your 30 shades will be dropped to 6 shades and you picture will loose
quality. This is just something you can't get around. IE handles colors better, but it's
still a problem.
How can I get my page to
look exactly the same in Netscape & Internet Explorer?